Eh, alright
The idea is cool - I agree wholeheartedly with Bieber haters - but the implimentation irks me for several reasons:
1) Only damage to the midriff area is counted, so no headshots, etc. That seems a
bit buggy.
2) Lack of much to do. There are 5 tools, so not very many. If you did something similar to the system of Interactive Buddy, wherein damage points earn you money to spend on better weapons, that might help, but don't just use that, think of something unique.
3) Music. At the very start, there is a horrible screeching, which I assume is supposed to be a parody of Bieber's voice, and fortunatly that only goes on for a few seconds. After that, though, is nothing, which is really disconcerting. Maybe head on over to the Audio Portal and pick something out?